The blessing in Consistency.

Next up: Chiquita
Duration: 6 Days
Pros: She’s my Godmother, She doesn’t mind taking it easy.
Cons: She made me clean my room.

Chiquita is the most stable of all of Edna’s children. If you tell me what time it is, I can tell you exactly what she’s doing. She has had the same phone number for at least 24 years. She drove the same car until I graduated High School, the woman is literally the most consistent person in the world. Can I just tell you how much it was needed? SO FREAKIN MUCH. I have no order, I’m messy,  my brain is literally a jumbled mess. I can’t even meditate because once I close my eyes I start to wonder what other people see when they close their eyes. This, of course, leads me to the question “Why do I even have to close my eyes”? From that point on, it just weirder and weirder till I find myself up at 3 a.m. torrenting books on the eye and why it needs to close so often. I’m not joking, if you come into my room at 3 am and I’m on a thought binge WATCH OUT.

Anyway, back to my aunt. Her coming here got my grandma on a schedule. Now I know what all you hypercritics are thinking “it takes 30 days for a habit to form”, I’ll give it to you Bill Nye that is scientifically true. Here’s the thing, we were just trying to make sure she woke up before noon. So it was relatively easy, but with our her it WOULDN’T HAVE HAPPENED. For her consistency, I am eternally grateful, and words can not express how much she helped when it came to restoring order. I’d love to go into more detail, but this is pretty cut and dry she played a great part in my grandma recovery.

Let me throw in a little disclaimer:
Up next we have one of the most EPIC women in the world. She is fantastic, this is gonna be a two parter…the world needs to know Ching, and everyone needs to hear her story.




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